September 27, 2017


Return to Squadron Standing Orders Menu | Reference: None | Last Updated is listed at the bottom of the page


Organization Orders are the means of delegating authority and coordinating functions of the staff/cadets within the squadron. Organization Orders when issued separately, as part of the Routine Orders shall be added into the Standing Orders.


The purpose of 59 Vancouver RCACS is to train its members in citizenship, leadership, while keeping physically fit, an area of expertise, and to provide members the opportunity to give meaningful service to the community. This is done in an air environment utilizing the available resources and manpower with a degree of efficiency and proficiency in order to achieve a high professional standard.


The Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) is made up of parents of cadets and other interested adults. Through the constitution of the sponsoring committee, a committee has been formed to handle support as well as financial affairs of the squadron. Communications with the SSC shall be through the Commanding Officer or as directed by the Commanding Officer.


The Air Cadet League is a provincial and national organization of representatives of the various squadron sponsors. All communications to and from the Air Cadet League by squadron personnel shall be through the Commanding Officer or as directed by the Commanding Officer.


The Squadron has many contacts with units/individuals of the Canadian Armed Forces. All communications to and from the Canadian Armed Forces shall be through the Commanding Officer or as directed by the Commanding Officer.


59 Vancouver RCACS operates under the direct authority of the Commanding Officer of the Regional Cadet Support Unit Pacific (RCSU(Pac)) located at CFB ESQUIMALT, Victoria, BC. Staff support, supervision and direction is delegated to the Area Officer In-Charge (Lower mainland) located in Boundary Bay, Delta, BC. Area Support is provided by Area Support Unit (ASU) Chilliwack. Request for support, returns and authorizations are through the proper chain of commands.


1. The operation and administrative activities of 59 Vancouver RCACS is governed by:

  1. National Defence Act (NDA);
  2. Queen’s Regulations and Orders (QR & Os);
  3. Queen’s Regulations and Orders (Cadets) (QR & Os (Cdts));
  4. Canadian Forces Administrative Orders (CFAOs);
  5. Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAODs);
  6. Cadet Administration and Training Orders (CATOs);
  7. Pacific Region Cadet Instructions (PRCIs);
  8. Regionald Cadet Support Unit Routine Orders (ROs); and,
  9. 59 Vancouver RCACS Standing Orders (SSO).


Paid Officers and Civilian Instructors who are on the unit’s Establishment are responsible for the “Adult Supervision” of the cadets.


There shall be a regular review of the squadron training, program, goals and objectives to ensure that these are consistent with aims of our organization and partners.


DRAFT “All appointments and staff positions, officers and Sr. NCMs, shall have a regular review of their terms of accountability, their position objectives and standards and their performance in their  position. The immediate supervisor shall do this review. This process shall be threefold. An initial interview shall occur during the month of September to set goals. The unit shall use Annex C – PDR as the control document in setting annual member goals. A follow up interview in December and/or January shall be to review the member’s progress. The final interview shall be conducted in the month of June to review the formal PER and be signed. The unit shall use Annex D – Unit PER as the control document in producing the final PERs. Any recommendations for change of terms of accountability, standards or objectives are to be submitted to the Commanding Officer for approval.”


1. Internal communication shall normally follow the chain of command. Communication between parades, or the need for passing information in a hurry, shall follow the procedure outlined in Operation Telephone. Operation Telephone shall be updated on a regular basis to reflect the personnel that are members of 59 Vancouver RCACS. All members are to insure that their copy is up to date. Updates to Operation Telephone will normally be through Routine Orders.

2. Communications with outside agencies shall be directed through the Commanding Officer or the Sponsoring Committee Chairperson. This is to ensure that all communication reflects 59 Vancouver RCACS and the Air Cadet Movement accurately.

3. Without prior permission from the Commanding Officers, Civilian Instructors and Cadets shall not communicate in writing or verbally, on any squadron or cadet matter with any of the following;

  1. any member of the news media, radio television, newspapers, internet, magazines or other related media;
  2. schools, clubs or associations;
  3. any member of the Armed Forces, support bases, Cadet Offices or Headquarters; or
  4. any member of the Air Cadet League – Local, Provincial or National.


1. Within 59 Vancouver RCACS officer positions are established for:

  1. Commanding Officer (CO);
  2. Deputy Commanding Officer (DCO);
  3. Administration Officer (Admin O);
  4. Supply Officer (Sup O);
  5. Assistant Supply Officer (ASup O);
  6. Training Officer (Trg O);
  7. Assistant Training Officer (ATrg O);
  8. Level Training Officer (Lvl Trg O);
  9. Support Services Officer (Sp Svcs O);
  10. Air Operations Officer (Air Ops O);
  11. Pilot (Plt);
  12. Standards Officer (Stds O);
  13. Flight Commanders (Flt Comd);
  14. Band Officer (Bnd O);
  15. Biathlon Officer (Biath O);
  16. Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor (UCCMA);
  17. Duty Officer (D O);
  18. Range Safety Officer (RSO);

2. All members of 59 Vancouver RCACS staff are responsible to the Commanding Officer in all actions. Normal reporting lines shall be followed as detailed in the chain of Command.

3. Additional positions may be established from time to time by the Commanding Officer to meet training and operational requirements.

4. More than one position maybe given to one member. In such cases the additional title and responsibilities shall become secondary duties.

NEED TO UPDATE 5. Terms of Accountability for each of the above list positions are available in a separate document entitled “59 Vancouver RCACS Terms of Accountability”.

6. Enrollment and promotion of staff shall be in accordance with directives issued by the Department of National Defense.


See Organization Chart


1. The Standards for entry into 59 Vancouver RCACS are:

  1. Must be 12 years of age on or before the enrollment date;
  2. Possess provincial health insurance or proof of coverage;
  3. Have not reached his/her 19th birthday;
  4. Provide proof of age;
  5. Be of good moral character or referred by the judicial system;
  6. Parent/guardian consent for cadet to enroll;
  7. Be acceptable to the Commanding Officer.

2. Each applicant shall be required to complete the following documentation and must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian prior to undergoing training;

a. CF 1158 – Application for Membership in the Canadian Cadet Organization;

3. Air Cadets are not members of the Canadian Armed Forces and are in no way obligated to join the Canadian Forces following their time in the cadet program. Cadets are free to leave the  program at any time they choose. The unit will simply request to conduct an outgoing interview to determine why the cadet no longer wishes to be part of the program.

4. Physically challenged individuals can be expected to seek enrolment in cadets. Candidates cannot be refused admission solely because they are disabled or different. Each case shall be evaluated according to its own unique circumstance(s) by the Commanding Officer.

5. Once Application procedures are completed and certified, the cadet’s name shall be entered into the Fortress database. This is a Protected A National Database used by the CCO to administer the cadet program. This database and all information held within is subject to federal privacy laws.

6. Paper documentation regarding individual cadets is held at the unit, until their twenty fifth birthday. Cadets shall have access to their file by asking the CO or the Admin O. Access to Cadet Personnel Records shall be restricted to those individuals authorized in writing by the CO, pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act.

7. The unit holds personnel files after the cadet leaves the program until the members twenty fifth birthday. Items to be retained are:

  1. CF 1158;
  2. DND 2353;
  3. Course Reports;
  4. Training Record (Printed from Fortress);
  5. Supply Clothing Card; and,
  6. Other pertinent information identified by the CO or AdminO

8. Normally after three (3) weeks of continuous attendance the cadet shall be sized and later issued uniform kit.

9. Any cadet applicant, who does not qualify for enrollment as per the above stated requirements, shall be placed on a waiting list for future recruiting.


1. Within 59 Vancouver RCACS cadet positions are established for:

Rank Established Positions Quota for Squadron
Cadet Squadron Commander 1 (ONE)
Deputy Cadet Squadron Commander
Squadron Warrant Officer
Training Warrant Officer
Standards Warrant Officer
5 (FIVE)
Flag Party Commander
Flight Commanders (x4)
Level NCOs (x4)
Senior Instructor
Standards Senior NCO
Administration Senior NCO
Supply Senior NCO
Flight Sergeants
Administration NCO
Supply NCO
Duty Sergeant
Support Staff
No Limit
Flight Corporal
Duty Cadet
Support Staff
No Limit
Level 1/2 Cadet No Limit
Level 1 Cadet No Limit
Air Cadet Level 1 / Recruit No Limit


See Organization Chart


1. Cadet promotions are governed by CATO 13-02. The following is information extracted from the CATO or issued by Formation Command.

2. Rank progression

CATO 13-02 Cadet Rank Progression Chart

3. Promotion Matrix:

Promotion To Outlined Criteria Training Requirements Time in
Merit Review
Squadron Added Requirements Promotion Checklist
  • dress and deportment
  • conduct, discipline and attitude
  • attendance
  • participation
  • response to direction
  • ability to interact positively and comfortably with others
  • ability to make sound judgements regarding their own actions
  • Participate in Level 1 for minimum of 5 months.
N/A Not Required Attendance > 60%
  • Successfully completed Level 1
  • Participated in the Cadet Fitness Assessment
N/A Not Required Attendance > 60%
  • Corporal Criteria list above, plus:
    • willingness to accept responsibility
    • ability to solve problems effectively
    • ability to communicate effectively with subordinates, peers and supervisors
    • ability to set a positive example for others
    • initiative
  • Successfully completed Level 2
  • Participated in the Cadet Fitness Assessment
6 Months as

Not Required Attendance > 60%
  • Flight Corporal Criteria listed above, plus:
    • ability to supervise effectively
    • ability to lead small teams to complete leadership assignments effectively
    • ability to mentor junior cadets
  • Successfully completed Level 3
  • Achieved a minimum of “Completed without difficulty” on PO 303 (Leadership)
  • Participated in a Cadet Fitness Assessment
6 Months as Not Required Attendance > 70%
  • Sergeant Criteria listed above, plus:
    • ability to motivate team members
    • ability to provide effective feedback to team members
    • potential for planning, coordinating and conducting larger cadet activities
    • potential for executing leadership appointments in which they will manage and mentor a team over a longer period of time
  • Successfully completed Level 4
  • Achieved a minimum of “Completed without difficulty” on PO 403 (Leadership)
  • Participated in a Cadet Fitness Assessment
6 Months as Not Required Attendance > 75%
  • Flight Sergeant Criteria listed above, plus:
    • ability to plan, coordinate and conduct larger cadet activities
    • ability to execute leadership appointments in which they will manage and mentor a team over a longer period of time
  • Achieved a minimum of “Completed without difficulty” on PO 503 (Leadership)
  • Participated in a Cadet Fitness Assessment
6 Months as Required Attendance >75%
  • Same as Warrant Officer Second Class Requirements
  • Level 5 completed
6 Months as Required Attendance >75%


1. On the authority of the CO, the DCO will conduct night briefings prior to training and debriefs following training. Timings will be posted in MROs.

a. The briefing will serve to relay pertinent information to all parties, deconflict resource and planning conflicts, as well as task off priority items.

b. The debriefing will serve as a round table to update on the tasks assigned, departments, upcoming events, any incidents, etc.

2. Officer meetings will be conducted on an as needed basis. The DCO will be responsible for drafting the agenda and the Admin O will be responsible for taking minutes, etc.


1. Regular Squadron Commander’s meetings shall be held during the second last Thursday of each month for the Sr NCO/NCMs of 59 Vancouver RCACS. They will usually be held at the LHQ, unless otherwise specified. The meeting start times will be at 1900 hrs. Special meetings will be held on an as required basis. At the request or direction of the Squadron Commander, Officers maybe requested to attend.

2. Items for the agenda including time requirements shall be brought to the attention of the Squadron Warrant Officer via the Deputy Squadron Warrant Officer.

3. Attendance at the monthly unit meeting is a mandatory event for all personnel. If a member is unable to attend then that person shall be responsible for:

a. Ensuring they receive copies of minutes; and,

b. Follow-up any action on any item within their terms of reference.

4. The Deputy Squadron Commander is responsible to draft minutes and distribute to all staff members


1. It is necessary for cadets to travel in groups to and from unit training activities. This travel shall be in DND vehicles or in authorized privately owned vehicles.

2. It is necessary for cadets to observe the following courtesies when traveling:

a. Cadets shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times;

b. Before singing or playing portable radios or tape recorders permission from the driver and the supervisor shall be obtained;

c. If food or beverages are consumed while en route care shall be taken to ensure that no food or liquid is spilled in the vehicle; and,

d. At the conclusion of the journey the most senior cadet present in the vehicle shall organize a duty squad. The senior cadet shall ensure that:

i) All paper, bottles and other garbage is removed from the vehicle;

ii) All of the cadets’ personal belongings are removed from the vehicle; and,

iii) Any excess amounts of mud, snow or other spillages are removed from the vehicle.

3. If complaints are received from any driver concerning either the conduct of the cadets while onboard a vehicle, or with regards to the condition of the vehicle (pop cans or other garbage left  behind.) At the completion of the journey, corrective action will be taken with all cadets who were transported in that vehicle.

4. In the case of convoy travel, the most senior cadet in the convoy shall ensure that all the vehicles in the convoy are in a clean state.

5. All cadets shall thank the driver for his or her services.


1. Personnel are to immediately report a loss, theft, damage or injury to their supervisor or duty personnel. Supervisory personnel shall ensure that appropriate reports are started or completed and the Commanding Officer is informed of all major incidents as soon as possible.

2. Loss or theft reports of squadron property shall be completed and filed with the Supply Officer for both Sqn and Military stores. Replacement of material may be arranged after reports are complete.


In the event of an emergency situation staff or senior cadets at the location shall handle to the best of their ability remembering always to use common sense. Any situation like this is to be reported to the Commanding Officer as soon as possible. All personnel involved are to make written reports to be passed to the Commanding Officer detaining actions taken.


1. Safety shall be paramount in all aspects of Squadron training and activities. The physical safety of the cadets must at all times outweigh any other consideration.

2. The Commanding Officer is responsible for providing the specific safety instructions to fit each cadet activity that has an inherent risk factor. Staff at all levels shall ensure that the risk aspect of any undertaking is carefully considered and the appropriate counteracting safety measures instituted. Staff at all levels shall take the necessary measures to foresee and provide safeguards for any hazard or incident.


1. On a rotating basis cadets with the ranks of Corporal, Flight Corporal, Sergeant, Flight Sergeant and Warrant Officer Second Class and Adult staff members shall fill positions as:
a. Duty Corporal (D Cpl);
b. Duty Sergeant (D Sgt);
c. Duty Warrant Officer (D WO);
d. Duty Officer (D O); and,

e. Senior Duty Officer (Sr. D O).
2. Duty shall normally be assigned for one week as detailed in the
Weekly Routine Orders and as assigned by the Administration Officer.
3. The duty staff shall ensure the Duty Report, attached as Annex E to
this chapter, is completed and handed to the DCO nightly.
1. It is imperative that positive control will be maintained over all cadets,
in keeping with their status. Regardless of age all cadets will be
considered as minor and placed in the custody of the Canadian Forces
by parents or guardians. Cadets will remain under continuous adult
supervision while in our custody.
2. It is the responsibility of each adult supervisor to intercede every time
and anytime they see a circumstance that may develop into a
hazardous situation for a cadet, staff member or any other personnel.
3. The release of a cadet from the custody of CF personnel shall be only
to a parent or guardian.
4. All staff is to ensure that all cadet members are picked up or have
departed for home prior to them leaving for home or completion of an


1. It is imperative that positive control will be maintained over all cadets, in keeping with their status. Regardless of age all cadets will be considered as minor and placed in the custody of the Canadian Forces by parents or guardians. Cadets will remain under continuous adult supervision while in our custody.

2. It is the responsibility of each adult supervisor to intercede every time and anytime they see a circumstance that may develop into a hazardous situation for a cadet, staff member or any other personnel.

3. The release of a cadet from the custody of CF personnel shall be only to a parent or guardian.

4. All staff is to ensure that all cadet members are picked up or have departed for home prior to them leaving for home or completion of an exercise.