What is the purpose of Cadets?

The Royal Canadian Air Cadets is a national organization whose purpose is to develop in youth the attributes of leadership, citizenship and physical fitness, all within a safe environment that will motivate you to give your best while stimulating an interest in the air activities of the Canadian Forces.

Who joins Cadets?

With over 25,000 Air Cadets across Canada, we’re an organization with a proud history. Many former cadets say that the Cadet Program gave them a head start in their successful careers. For example, did you know that astronaut Chris Hadfield, actor Jim Carrey, and comedian/television personality Rick Mercer were once Air Cadets?

Do I have to buy my uniform?

The basic uniform is provided by the Government of Canada as a loan to the cadet. Additional clothing requirements will be the responsibility of the cadet to purchase (ie. hiking boots).

What will I do at a weekly parade?

Cadets will participate in drill, sports nights, and classroom activities where they will learn about subjects such as aircraft identification, navigation, citizenship, meteorology, principles of flight, and a number of other subjects.

Are there other activities that I can participate in?

Are there other activities that I can participate in?In addition to the regular training nights, our parent squadron also offers drill, band, biathlon, effective speaking, first aid, ground school which our cadets are encouraged to participate in. Occasional weekend activities including field training exercises, where you will learn to build shelters, make a fire and survive in Read more about Are there other activities that I can participate in?[…]

What is summer training?

If you are interested in attending summer camps, there are a number of different camps located across Canada. Cadets can go to camp for two to seven weeks on a variety of courses. Each camp offers a unique mixture of outdoor activities and valuable instruction. Attendance at cadet summer camps is free. The Canadian Forces Read more about What is summer training?[…]

What type of summer training is available?

Summer camps include training in leadership, instructional techniques, music, marksmanship, flying, navigation, meteorology, air traffic control, ceremonial drill, physical education, survival training, aerospace studies, and citizenship. Senior cadets can qualify for an international exchange, glider flying scholarships and power flying scholarships.

Who instructs cadets?

Cadets learn from members of the Cadet Instructors Cadre, members of the Canadian Forces, officers who are enrolled as supplementary reserve officers specifically trained to work with youth. In some cases, civilian volunteers who possess special skills are called in to assist cadet instructors. Both the cadet instructors and civilian volunteers have chosen to dedicate Read more about Who instructs cadets?[…]

Is there a requirement to join the Canadian Forces?

Cadets are not members of the military and make absolutely no commitments regarding future military service. Cadets is a great way to learn more about Canada, make friends and develop new skills that will be with you for life, no matter what career you choose.